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Select Board Meeting Minutes 5/19/14
Monterey Select Board
Minutes of the meeting of 5/19/14

Meeting Opened at: 9am
Select Board Members Present: Wayne Burkhart, Chairperson, Scott Jenssen and Kenn Basler

Also in attendance for parts of the meeting:  Stephen Moore for the Monterey News, Brendan Fletcher, Donald Torrico, Gareth Backhaus, Michael Johnson, Robert Hungate and Michael Banner

The board met with Town Accountant, Brendan Fletcher to review the following:
Kenn explained that the reason for this meeting was to address the issues that have been occurring in the Accountant’s Office.  Kenn asked Brendan to come in with a statement on how he plans to address the issues and move forward.  Wayne was surprised by this meeting request as he was unaware that Kenn had met with Brendan.  Brendan explained that this job has been like no other in its requirements and processes.  He has pledged to address the inconsistencies and lost items.  He has promised to try harder and continue to put in extra time to prevent further mistakes from being made and will do his best to help get the town finances back on track.  A suggestion has been made to have the vendor warrants done on Friday to be ready for the Monday morning Select Board meeting to sign and/or address any issues in the warrant.
Scott and Kenn explained that there was an issue with a check not being issued when requested last week that prompted this meeting.  Brendan had held the check request which was for the grader because he wanted to confirm with the Treasurer that the loan had been approved and we had the money and then the paperwork was misplaced.  The check was supposed to be available for Wednesday morning when the salesmen was coming to pick it up; an emergency request was put in for the check and it was issued for Thursday morning.
Kenn also had an issue with town files being brought home leading to lost files and requested that the Board address this issue.  It was agreed that no town files should leave the town offices for any department.
Brendan is still working on the items given to him by Barbara Gauthier but will have everything completed before her next scheduled time in the office.
Brendan stated that he doesn’t feel that there is anything further that the Board can do to help him and thanked them for all the help they have given him to date; the issues are things he needs to correct with his personal processes.  Wayne felt that this seemed like a reasonable plan and that the Board should let Brendan prove that he can turn things around.
Kenn requested that Brendan needs to be more diligent when requests are made for payments and the department is already close to their budget or will go over.  It was suggested that when the warrants are printed those items should be red flagged for the Board so that they may address this with the appropriate department, Scott and Wayne agreed.
Expense reports will be sent out on the first of the month.  A memo is going to be sent out to all departments from the Select Board that all bills must be submitted by Thursday 5pm so that the warrants will be completed by Monday morning’s Select Board meeting.

The board met with Building Commissioner, Don Torrico to review the following:
1.  Don Torrico requested that the Board appoint Thomas Carmody as an additional alternate inspector for the Building Department.  A motion was made to appoint Thomas Carmody as an alternate Building Inspector for a 2 year term.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
2.  A motion was made to waive the fee for the upcoming Moran project at the Town Hall.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
3.  Don suggested that there should be a policy or a process when discussing and determining any salary increases for part time employees.  He stated that he was unaware that the original proposal for raises in FY15 did not include part time employees and felt that he should’ve been included in the discussions that led to this decision being made.  It was suggested that a part time person should be appointed to the ECAC and that the budgeting process should begin earlier in the year then it has in the past.
4.  Don stated that the fees in Monterey have not been raised since 2003 and he’s suggesting that they should be looked at and raised.  Don is going to prepare a comparison with the surrounding towns and make a recommendation to the Board for increases.

The board met with Chief of Police, Gareth Backhaus to review the following:
1.  The Board held an interview with Robert Hungate as a candidate to fill an open position as a part time officer.  A motion was made to appoint Robert Hungate on a probationary basis through June 30th as per Chief Backhaus’ recommendation.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Miscellaneous Select Board Items Reviewed:
1.  The Board met with Michael Johnson regarding the following:
a.  Concerns that were presented to him regarding some items that the COA has made.  Michael stated that all the purchases that he has made he has always received permission from the Board to do so.  A concern was brought to Michael’s attention last week by Kenn Basler and Barbara Gauthier for purchasing the blank ammunition and commemorative coins for Memorial Day with COA funds.  Michael stated that he has checked with the State and they have informed him that as long as the money is being spent on something that will enhance the life of a senior citizen the purchase is ok.  Michael explained that it is the senior citizens that fire the rifles on Memorial Day.  He explained that the coins will be given to the seniors on Memorial Day.  Michael feels that there have been a lot of discrepancies and confusion with regards to the funds appropriated through town meeting and grants for the elderly.  Michael was under the impression that the $2,800 error that was corrected at town meeting was going to go back to the COA line item when if fact it is being transferred to the Mass Elderly Fund Balance.  Current expense reports were provided by Brendan.  It was also noted that the check for the coins and ammo shouldn’t have been sent out because the warrants had not been signed and approved by the Select Board.  Michael stated that there was $4,000 released by the State for the MA Elderly Fund Balance but the Treasurer has yet to transfer those funds to the Accountant which needs to be spent by June 30th.  M. Noe will follow up with the Treasurer on the Cherry Sheet money for FY14.
b.  Memorial Day: Michael is still working on finding someone to cook the hot dogs at the Memorial Day festivities.  
2.  Michael Banner came in to discuss the following with regards to the WMH property:
a.  Mowing the grass at the Community Center.  Last year this was arranged to be done through the Highway Department and was paid for through the Select Board funds.  Maynard asked M. Noe to relay to the Board that he doesn’t have the funds in his budget to cover mowing of the WMH property and asked M. Noe to remind the Board that he had proposed this in the line item that was going to be created for maintenance of the WMH property that the Board opted not to add for the upcoming FY.  Maynard also noted that he doesn’t have the proper equipment for this job.  Scott offered his services and Michael and Scott agreed to take turns mowing the property.  Michael also requested that the field be brush hogged twice a year to keep it low (once in the beginning of the season and once in September).  Last year this was done only once by Rick Mielke for $300 and was paid for out of the Select Board expenses.  The Board gave Michael the permission to arrange the mowing with Rick directly and the Board agreed that the Select Board will pay for the mowing unless a volunteer can be found.  Next year this will have to be included in the budget.
b.  Michael stated that the Community Center has applied for 2 grants and they should know in a few months if they will receive the monies or not.  Michael said that they need about $125,000 to finish the Community Center and open for business.
3.  Mail was reviewed which included:
a.  Email from Linda Higgins confirming the time and date or Dr. Malone’s visit to the Monterey School.
4.  A complaint has come in from Richard Pargament that the stumps cut by the power company on Blue Hill Rd were high and jagged; Maynard and the Tree Warden will be asked to follow up on this and see if there is anything that can be done about this.
5.  Wayne updated the Board on BRPC meetings that he has attended.
6.  The Board briefly discussed the possibility of adding one evening meeting a month.  Scott stated that the Board has always stated that the Board would gladly schedule an evening meeting if needed.  It was suggested to meet from 4-6pm on the 2nd Monday evening a month and the other meetings would continue to be at 9am on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Mondays of the month starting in July.  The Board would like to continue to meet with the Chief and Director of Operations once a month and as necessary.
7.  The Board asked M. Noe to prepare a memo to the Chief and Director of Operations reminding them that vacation requests need to be presented to the Board at least 4 weeks prior.
8.  The minutes from 5/12/14 were approved as written.
9.  Kenn suggested that the Board begin looking at creating a list of the long range issues and a timeline for addressing each of the issues.
10.  Kenn stated that he feels that it is the Board’s responsibility for holding each department and employee to performing their jobs efficiently and correctly and that was where he was coming from in arranging this morning’s meeting with Brendan.  If an employee is unable to perform their job duties then the Board has an obligation to help the employee do their job properly or make the hard decisions that may be required when a situation arises when an employee is not doing their job properly.
11.  The Board discussed the process of getting info to the Board members.  Wayne commended M. Noe on the system that has worked very well to date and recommended that we continue with Melissa acting on behalf of the Select Board in cases that are appropriate and keeping the Board informed in a timely fashion this would also include all on goings within the town hall. Wayne and Scott both commended M. Noe on the way she handles her professional responsibilities and reminded the public that they may not always like what they hear but that M. Noe is doing her job within the requirements/restrictions and limitations set forth.

A motion was made and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting at: 11:40am

Submitted by:
Melissa Noe, Executive Secretary
Approved by:
Monterey Select Board

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Select Board Members
Minutes Book